Corrosion Control with Air Stripping
Location: California
Flow, gpm: 2,880
Contaminant: CO2
Solution: pH and Pb/Cu control w/o chemicals
Enhanced Sulfide Removal with CO2 Addition/Air Stripping
Location: Florida
Flow, gpm: 12 mgd
Contaminant: H2S
Solution: Removal of sulfides from >12,000 ppb to below 10 ppb
Nitrate Removal With Ion Exchange
Location: Nevada
Flow, gpm: 140
Contaminant: NO3
Solution: NO3 removal to below MCL
VOC Removal with Air Stripping Industrial Wastewater with Dual DB63 Modules in Parallel
Location: New Jersey
Flow, gpm: 60
Contaminant: TCA, R-130, TCE, DCA, 1,2-DCB, 1,2-DCA, 1,2-DCP, Benzene, Toluene, Carbon Tet, Chloroform, cis-1,2-DCE, trans-1,2-DCE, Ethyl Enzene, 1,1,2-TCA, Chlorobenzene
Solution: >99% removal